If you landed on this page, you most probably are familiar with it, but for any others, What is vegan?
Veganism is a way of living that tries to exclude any forms of animal creuelty and exploitation and cruelty, whether for food, clothing or any other purpose. Therefore in a vegan diet you cannot eat any animal products, including eggs, honey, meat, and dairy.
A basic recipe for vegan dough can be found at the dough section. In the coming period more vega recipes will be added.
Spinach tofu pie
200 gr fresh spinach
250 gr mixed mushrooms
2 tsp dried thyme or 3 sprigs of fresh thyme
2 small onions
4 cloves of garlic
700 gr tofu
1 vegan basic dough
1 tsp turmeric
2 tsp mustard
2 tbsp soy milk
3 tbsp lemon juice
Salt and pepper
20 gr pine nuts
10 small tomatoes
Wash the spinach (if necessary). Fry the spinach in some oil and drain
completely. When it has cooled down a bit, press the last moisture out of it.
Cut the mushrooms into slices and fry them with the thyme. Drain off any moist
from the mushrooms. Cut the onion into small cubes and press the garlic. Fruit
onion and garlic in some oil until it gets colour. Mix in a food processor the
tofu, turmeric, lemon juice, mustard, soy milk and some salt, until smooth. Miz
the tofu concoction with the spinach, mushrooms and onion / garlic. Grease and
line the baking tin with the dough and poke holes in the bottom with a fork.
Pour the mixture into the tin. Divide the tomatoes (halved or sliced) and pine
nuts on top of the mixture. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes.